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The confetti shot has to be one of the most fun movements at weddings for me as well as the happy couple (that’s why it features in my top 10 ceremony planning tips HERE)

Having all your guests rain down colour on you is a great way to let everyone know that the party has just begun!

Plus, it makes for a great photo too. However, a great confetti photo doesn’t ‘just happen’. Here’s my top three tips for getting the perfect confetti photo on your wedding day.


1)  Be generous with your confetti


Don’t be stingy with your portions. If you want to have a proper confetti shower, give each guest a good handful (or two) to throw!

Fill a basket full of confetti from which your guests can grab a good fist-full on the way out from the ceremony, or have a couple of baskets passed around your guests.


Bonus tip – Don’t use cones

Don’t serve your confetti in paper cones – you can’t get much in for a start and also you can’t launch the confetti high into the air like you can if you release it from your hands. Plus, for some reason half of it always seems to stay in the cone! So it’s best to avoid cones if you want a confetti photo that looks great!

If you want to work out how much confetti you’ll need for your wedding Shropshire Petals have a confetti calculator:


Tips for getting the best confetti photo


2) Go BIG – large confetti looks best

If your confetti’s really small, it can look a bit like people are lobbing bird feed at you… not a good look right?

Confetti larger than a 20p coin looks best on camera, but the bigger the better. Petals are perfect because they create a gorgeous flutter of colour in the air as they rain down. Plus, they are biodegradable and for this reason most good wedding venues in Nottingham are happy about their use.


3) Throw up NOT at – avoid a mouthful of confetti

Want a sure fire way to end up with a mouthful of confetti? Allow your guests to throw their confetti right at you!

If you don’t want to be that bride, try this: have your guests launch their confetti up into the air so that it rains down on you. If you only remember one tip for confetti shots this it is it! Throw up NOT at 🙂

confetti photo tips


Bonus tip – let your photographer step-up!

Believe it or not, great confetti shots don’t just happen.

A little order and synchronisation is needed. Allow your photographer to work with your guests to make sure everything is all set before throwing (up not at).

Recommended confetti suppliers 

Shorpshire Pettals


Proper confetti  


You might also like this post: ‘How to have a relaxed wedding HERE’




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